A books editor
Sincerely, I haven't to future plans or a way definitive for my career, but I have an idea of what I will want to do: I like very the literature and edition of books. I want to work in an editorial of the books! Especially from literature books. And I want to work in Spain, becaue it has the good editorials houses of literary books.
Actually I don't know courses in Chile that help me to achieve my goal. Only online workshop of independent page, which teach how to edit books and to publish it.
I'm looking at the official website of the University of Chile a postgraduate degree in editing, and O find one called "Diploma in Cultural Joirnalism, Criticism and Book Publishing". I think that is a course vary interesting and funny, because not only does it teach you book publishing, it also teaches you modernity, art, cultural journalism, criticism, among others.
My favorute subjects (only for name, because I'm not in the postgraduate degree) is Critucal Literature, Culture and Thought, and Book Publishing. I thin that the topics of this course are interesting, because for the position that I want to have in a books ediotrial, I need to have a critial sense in literature, a base in culture, how to maje an edition, among others skills.
But this plans are indicisive and ambiguous, so I keep thinking about what I have to do to achieve my dreams and my career.
I like the literature too, I,ve have read it various books from the editorial Planeta. With practice and studies, I'm sure you can do whatever you propose, hopefully you can be a good editor.