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Free space!

My actions are a consequence at the World:

 Maybe it´s positive consequence or negative, but all activity that I will do is an effect for the other person (and possibly for many more). Because as a future journalist, I need to have a proper critical sense and become aware that my articles can have a positive or negative effect on the persons involved. To resolve this matter, I'm attending a course on feminist dialogues and Constitution, which teaches me many topics on the equity and helps me better understand current affairs. Also, I try to attend workshops to learn more about the awareness and inclusion of all people in society, politics and culture. And sincerely, it has helped me a lot to be more aware of me and how I can harm a person with a shoddy article . So, we all must to a good job: We are  to be clear and show the truth and nothing but the truth . I work as an intern on a news page about women's that who have struggled to be successful in his life (in the world of work; of the society; of the politics, amon...

Últimas entradas

A books editor

I like an artist; I like a youtuber.

My favorite photo of many

Oh technology!

I wanted to be...

Nice to meet you, dear